Youth Month Coloring Contest 2023
April 3, 2023

April is Youth Month!
To celebrate, Financial Plus Credit Union is holding our annual Coloring Contest for our young members – open for children ages 0-12.
Please print out your coloring page today! The deadline to submit is April 30, 2023. FPCU will have one winner from each age category at each branch: Ages 0-3, 4-7, and 8-12. These winners will receive a $25 deposit into their Kirby account! All other entries will receive a $5 deposit for participating! All new youth members who join the Credit Union in April will receive a $5 deposit just for joining.
To submit, bring it to your local FPCU location or take a picture of the colored page and send it to Please be sure to have your child include their name, phone number, email (parent or guardian information is accepted) age group, and local FPCU branch.